Uber Feature Wall
Site Analysis & Concept Design; Design Development & Execution Drawings; Construction Supervision
Physical Data Sculptures
George Saab, Fabrication
Uber GLH- Digital District, Beirut, Lebanon
The wall pixelates Beirut’s topography and overlays it with recognizable Beiruti landmarks.
The end result is a unique installation created by the amalgamation of Beirut at its most abstract and its most real. The designed installation echoes not only Uber’s house style and values but also spatialise one of the few commonalities that connect the city, its landmarks.
Users are encouraged to start the navigation process by identifying Uber GLH through the single orange landmark. Upon closer inspection, other landmarks have a unique engraving hinting to what they are, with patterns comprised of textures, architectural elements, or natural elements.
Twig was commissioned to design a feature wall in the entrance of Uber’s green light hub in Beirut. The brief set with the Uber team was for the wall to be low tech, interactive, tactile, and to draw people in and spark conversation.
Staying faithful to local way finding and place making customs in Beirut, Uber’s feature wall pixelates Beirut’s topography and overlays it with prominent Beiruti landmarks.